Do you need a debt collection attorney to quickly collect your delinquent accounts or unpaid debts?

We are Texas Collections Lawyers who can help. Our debt collection attorneys have developed a collections system to quickly collect unpaid debts.

A Texas collections lawyer’s practice is only successful if it can get the debtor’s attention. The only way to collect a debt is to keep yourself on the front burner for the debtor.

The squeaky wheel gets the most grease. We understand human nature. The only way to get the debtor’s attention in debt collection matters is to be the number one item on the debtor’s agenda.

This takes many forms. Maybe it’s something as simple as basic discovery, or something more aggressive, like a turnover order.  Either way, we are like the splinter you cannot get out of your finger. You always know it’s there and will eventually do whatever is necessary to get rid of it. In the debt collection world, that splinter is us. If you have a question, send us an email by clicking here.

We reduce invoices and unpaid debts to judgments. And we collect judgments. Texas lawyers know that Texas is generally a debtor’s haven. But we’ve developed system for collecting debt that you can read about by clicking here. Our system is focused on getting the debtor’s attention.

As the premier debt collection attorneys in Texas, we assist in collecting all types of accounts and debts post-judgment. We welcome the opportunity to collect your unpaid accounts. Our practice areas include providing assistance to our clients in collecting money owed to them due to delinquent invoices, delinquent accounts, unpaid promissory notes, judgments, etc. Our approach to collecting can be found by clicking here. It is boiled down into one simple phrase: get the debtor’s attention. We do that by being the squeakiest wheel the debtor has.

But, the biggest obstacle for us in helping our clients is the client’s own delay. This legal process should be begun as soon as possible. Every month you delay significantly impacts your ability to collect the judgment. This point cannot be over-emphasized. The graph displays the effect waiting has on collections.

If you have any questions or are interested in a free consultation at our law office in Dallas, please fill out the form below or send us an email.


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